
Alina’s reputation as a speaker is built on her ability to engage and energize audiences with her authenticity, warmth and humor. She is an expert on interactive learning experiences. She weaves relevant research and professional experiences into practical application that fosters self-reflection, interaction and learning. She has the unique ability to not only inspire audiences but to equip them with action strategies.

Alina’s most requested topics are listed below. By listening to the client’s needs, each topic below can be adapted to fit a keynote speaking engagement or create a learning workshop to fit a two to four hour timeframe. Outlines are available upon request.


  • The Art of Self-Leadership: Empowering Yourself for Personal Excellence
  • The Gifts of Imperfection: A Leader’s Best Gift to Self
  • How to Be the Best You: Strategies to Maximize Life and Leadership
  • Please Secure Your Oxygen Mask First: The Importance of Self-Care in Life and Leadership
  • Thank You For Not Robbing A Bank: The Influence of Gratitude on Life, Love, and Leadership
  • Leaning Out: Why Saying No is as Powerful as Saying Yes in Life and Leadership
  • Grow Past Me: The Organizational Advantage of Mentoring with Confidence
  • Developing a Leadership Consciousness: Leading from the Inside Out



  • God is Not Insecure, She is in Fact Very Confident: The Importance of Women Seeing the Full-Image of God
  • Living the Questions: The Tensions between Certainty, Doubt, and Faith
  • It’s Not the Devil, It’s You: The Power of Choices



  • Strengths-Based Leadership: Discover Your Strengths (Part 1)
  • Strengths-Based Leadership: Develop and Apply Your Strengths (Part 2)
  • Strengths-Based Leadership: Propelling Excellence in Leadership
  • Strengths-Based Families: Leveraging Our Best
  • Strengths-Based Parenting: Cultivating Personal Best in Children
  • Strengths-Based Education: Teach With Your Strengths